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The Red Bull Instalock tournament The Red Bull Instalock tournament


This weekend marked the first the that the United Kingdom put on it’s first professional women’s gaming tournament of it’s kind, with the event...

MSI Claw MSI Claw


Following a unsuccessful launch MSI Claw will get its widely expected first major pay cut, resulting in the product being 200 pounds cheaper in...


After a week’s delay due to illness, I finally got into the Halo 3 Beta. Some impressions and helpful tips: It’s been stated elsewhere, but it’s...


Following the epic success of Mashmello’s record-breaking event on Fortnite, there will be another artist heading to the popular battle royale. Starting on Friday,...


Fortnite developer Epic Games has officially unveiled the numbers from their Marshmello branded concert event that dominated Twitch streams earlier this year. According to The Verge,...


Kitty Disastrous, despite its rough edges and lack of polish (it was only a few months old when we met), is the sort of...


At first glance, FutureGrind reminded me of those rail missions in the Ratchet & Clank series. But it’s really more like a stunt game in the...


To Leave is a little odd. You’re this guy, and there’s this flying door. You grab the door and try to escape but the door...


Ladykiller in a Bind definitely was a showstopper at PAX Prime 2015. It was hard not to walk by the booth, read the signage,...


GrrlGotGame loves zombie killing. It’s sort of her life’s work. She also loves crafting weapons. So when she heard about How To Survive 2‘s blend...


Our first thought when hearing about Through The Woods was: A Red Riding Hood horror adventure? Then, after seeing the game’s roving flashlight, we imagined it...


Fortified! is all about laying down turrets and other fortifications (hence the name, get it?). But it’s also a challenging co-op shooter you can play...


Corpse of Discovery is not your typical exploration game, though there’s plenty of that. You traverse several planets while battling feelings of isolation and uncovering...


Mimic Arena looks like a traditional multiplayer party game, but there’s a twist that adds an interesting layer of strategy. When you die, you spawn...


The Rust Belt is one of our many indie game discoveries at PAX Prime 2015. The Mad Max/Borderlands look couples with a gameplay mechanic that’s...